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Acoustic, Te Reo Māori, Kapa Haka

  ·  Duration:  2m 28s

Duration:  2m 28s

Composer:   Hone Hurihanganui

Films, Audio & Samples


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Muramura, e kōnau atu nei e Ka manawa, ka māhara i a koe Me awhi piripiri e taku kaihõu Kia kakare te tau o te hiringa aroha e

Aue manakohia e te manuariki Rere ahiahi e, kei runga kei te rangi

E hihiri ake nei Tāhuri mai o kanohi e Kia kitea to ihi, to mana tiketike ie E te papa pounamu E te mauri aroha Ka kakare te tau o taku hiringa aroha e

Aue manakohia e te manu ariki Rere ahiahi e, kei rūnga kei te rangi

Tane: E papa pounamu, e mauriaroha Rereahiahi tiaho iho mai Me awhi piripiri E te tau o taku ate Hurihuri mai, nekeneke mai E ko taku tau, whaiaipo

Nā Hone Hurihanganui

Muramura was written by Hone while he lived here in Wairarapa. Hone says that had he not been living here at the time he probably would not have written it. Muramura is a love song and the purpose was to get people use reo that expressed loving affection. Hone is one person that could say “my darling” in Te Reo Māori a hundred different ways. Muramura contains some of these, “Taku Kaihou”, “Manakoia” “Manu Ariki” “Papa Pounamu” “Mauri aroha”.

Muramura is widely know all over the motu now and although not specifically a Wairarapa waiata, we will claim it as ours.

Produced by Wairarapa Moana Trust