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Meet the Team
Grace Newman

Grace Newman
Kaiawhina Tari | Office Assistant

In our Meet the Team series, we invite you to sit down and learn more about each SOUNZ staff member. Today we introduce Grace Newman.

Digital Marketing Coordinator | Kaiwhakarite Whakatairanga Matihiko

In our Meet the Team series, we invite you to sit down and learn more about each SOUNZ staff member. Today we introduce Grace Newman.

Can you tell us a bit about your family, kids, where you’re from etc?

I’ve just moved to Brooklyn, Wellington, I flat with my sister (who is my best friend and a fellow muso) and I hope to adopt a cat in the very near future!

Where did you grow up? Where else have you lived?

Born in London, when I was 11 my family moved to Perth, Australia, then at 17 I moved to NZ, just after finishing High School. I spent most of the next 12 years in Hamilton, before recently deciding to move South to beautiful Wellington!

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

Back in Hamilton I was a part of the SCA aka the Society for Creative Anachronism, so on the weekends you’d find me doing archery (badly), dressing up medieval, eating medieval food and doing medieval crafts. If I’m not up to my medieval shenanigans then I’m playing DnD or doing a bit of painting. So pretty nerdy really.

What is your earliest musical memory?

Lying on the living room floor listening to my mum’s ragtime piano CD’s, making up crazy stories for the sounds I was hearing. Great fun, do recommend!

How would your family and friends describe you?

I asked my sister for three words, here’s what she came up with – Passionate, artistic, insightful.

What are the values that drive you?

Connection. I want people to feel truly connected to themselves and to each other, and the arts are the best way I know of to do that.

What’s the last book you read?

Orphia and Eurydicius by Elyse John, a gender flipped retelling of the classic. Though I’m afraid I didn’t finish it as I found it a bit too slow. I can’t wait to read Circe by Madeline Miller next!

What are you currently watching on Netflix?

If you were a crayon what colour would you be?

Yellow. Clearly the best crayon colour! (This answer came straight from my inner 5 year old.)

SOUNZ thanks the New Zealand Music Commission for their support through the New Zealand Music Commission Internship programme.

NZ Music Commissions