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Viola repertoire showcase

This list contains a selection of works available for viola, including solos and concertos.

Most works have online score and audio samples. Those marked with * have full length audio or video available for free streaming on our website.

Solo viola - including works with piano

Ross Harris: Chaconne for Solo Viola8’

Salina Fisher: Reflect*
for solo viola 7’30’’

Nigel Keay: Moderato à cent d’huîtres*
for viola and piano 4’

Douglas Lilburn: Suite for Unaccompanied Viola14’

John Rimmer: Mahurangi*
for solo viola 10’

Alex Taylor: an autumn cutting*
for solo viola 17’

Anthony Watson: Sonata for Solo Viola12’

Gillian Whitehead: Ricercare*
for solo viola 10’

Viola Concertos

Chris Cree Brown: Viola Concerto*
for viola and orchestra 27'

Ross Harris: Aria for Solo Viola and Strings8'30''

Philip Norman: When Gravity Fails*
for viola and orchestra 9'

John Rimmer: Viola Concerto*
for viola and orchestra 27'

Anthony Ritchie: Viola Concerto No. 2*
for viola and strings 18'

Alex Taylor: [inner]*
for viola and orchestra 7'